2020 The Year of Family


What a year 2020 is turning out to be. Who could have imagined in January that this is what life would look like now? We've been tested. Months of quarantine have included navigating new work schedules, distance learning for the children, canceled vacations, separation from grandparents and other loved ones, and the ultimate disappointment for the Class of 2020.

And, let me just take a moment here to address the graduates and reiterate Apple CEO Tim Cook's sentiments in his recent OSU Commencement speech: "It can be difficult to see the whole picture when you’re still inside the frame, but I hope you wear these uncommon circumstances as a badge of honor." A badge of honor, indeed. You will be indelibly shaped by this year we can't wait to see the greatness you will achieve as a result.

Just as the country started to reopen and we saw what seemed to be the faintest light at the end of the tunnel, we were confronted head on with the tragedies of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, and the aftermath that continues. We ask ourselves what's the greater tragedy: that these lives were lost so unjustly, or that this is what it's taken to realize this has been happening all along and we weren't paying attention? Indeed, our country is divided and our communities are struggling to make sense of it all as so many of us try to educate ourselves and be a part of the change we need to see in the world. As Maya Angelou said, "When you know better, do better."

But, the recent months have also yielded some beautiful, unexpected gifts. We keep hearing from people that they've loved the time they've had together as a family (aside from the part where they're driving each other crazy!). Michael and I have found this to be true ourselves. We slowed down, paid more attention to each other, and were more intentional with how we spent our days.

It's funny. Some of the sweetest time Michael and I have ever had in our relationship was actually during the recession. Those of you who know us know that we eat out a lot. As we tightened our belts, we had dinner at home every night. It was never fancy (neither of us excel in the kitchen. In fact, I rarely enter it), but it was quality time that I look back on with gratitude. The same thing is happening now and I am profoundly grateful to have had this time - quality, thoughtful time - with him.

I feel like the last few months have allowed all of us to rediscover our families in new ways. Quarantine has created opportunities for conversations that may never have happened, time together that may not have been available in "real life", and a new appreciation for who each other are as we've been able to slow down and not rush mindlessly through the hamster wheel of our days.

These people...they are our Family. Through thick and thin, easy and hard. And I truly believe that when we come out of all of this - and we will come out of all of this - these bonds will be stronger than ever before. I also believe that when today's children grow up, this time spent together as a family will be among their most cherished memories.

All of these emotions and feelings have led us at Sigmon Taylor to declare 2020: The Year of Family. We have experienced a lifetime together in the last few months. It was unexpected, unnerving, and inconvenient. But, if we flip the script, hopefully we'll all be able to look back on this year as a time of reflection, gratitude, and growth. Hopefully, we will look back on this time spent with our family as some of the sweetest in its story.

We would be honored to help you honor your family this year with a portrait that will become the iconic symbol of the year in which you rediscovered each other. Come, together let's create the most valuable art you'll ever own.


A Blur of Emotions


This, too, shall pass.